The story takes place in the USA.

This map shows the main cause of death in each place. Keep in mind that this does not limit this place to only having one issue.

Once the war started to occur and the virus broke out, people were quick to target Washington. Most of the richer and stronger people of the USA feld to Florida. Where the current capotil was established in Georgia.
(This was done for a specific reason. Georgia was one of the 'safer' places after the virus died down a bit. Not only that, but the only way to and from Florida is through Georgia, unless you'd like to risk death and go through Alabama.)
Florida is guarded by Georgia and it's leaders due to the fact that it is the main state for resources and travel via boat.

(press artwork for artist credit)

kyraaa eheheh
it girl
omg emi chibi yes
emi and kyra
he's literally so in love with her

Novel set to publish in 2025.
Come back soon!